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樋勝朋巳展 ーNeighbors ー
Tomomi Hikatsu ー Neighbors ー
11.29 Fri. − 12.14 Sat.
11:00-18:00 日曜・月曜休廊
Closed on Sundays and Mondays
絵本作家としても知られる樋勝朋巳。 今回は油彩画の新作展をお楽しみください。
「Neighbors 日々の中に在るもの、それらから受け 取る様々について描いています」
Tomomi Hikatsu is also known as a picture book author. For this exhibition, visitors can look forward to seeing new oil paintings that, in the artist’ s words, “Reflect the different impressions we receive from things that occupy a space in our daily lives.”
樋勝朋巳 《Neighbors-1》 2024 年 油彩 6F
Gallery Nii Tokyo
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座1-13-4 銀座片桐ビルⅢ 5F
tel 03-6228-7872 mail :
Ginza Katagiri Bldg.Ⅲ 5F, 1-13-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan
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